Section: Research Program
Architectures and program optimization
In this research topic, we focus on optimizing resources in a systematic way for the programmer by addressing fundamental issues like optimizing communication and data layout, generating automatically optimized codes via Domain Specific Languages (DSL), and auto-tuning of computer systems.
Optimization techniques for data and energy
Scientific context
Among the main challenges encountered in the race towards performance for supercomputers are energy (consumption, power and heat dissipation) and the memory/communication wall. This research topic addresses more specialized code analysis and optimization techniques as well as algorithmic changes in order to meet these two criteria, both from an expert - meaning handmade code transformations - or automatic - meaning compile time or run time - point of view.
Memory/communication wall means that processor elementary clock cycle decreases more rapidly over years than data transfer whether vertically between memory-ies and CPU (memory access) or horizontally between processors (data transfer). Moreover current architectures include complex memory features such as deep memory hierarchies, shared caches between cores, data alignment constraints, distributed memories etc. As a result data communication and data layout are becoming the bottleneck to performance and most program transformations aim at organizing them carefully and possibly avoiding or minimizing them. Energy consumption is also a limitation for today's processor performance. Then the options are either to design processors that consume less energy or, at the software level, to design energy-saving compilers and algorithms.
In general, the memory and energy walls are tackled with the same kind of program transformations that consist of avoiding as much as possible data communication [143] but considering these issues separately offers a different perspective. In this research axis, we focus on data/memory and energy/power optimization that include handmade or automatic compiler, code and algorithm optimizations. The resulting tools are expected to be integrated in other Postale topics related to auto-tuning [79] , code generation [69] or communication-avoiding algorithms [37] , [98] .
Activity description and recent achievements
Optimization for data:
- Program data transformation - data layout, data transfers.
Postale has been addressing these issues in the past ANR PetaQCD project described in [49] , [50] and in the PhD thesis of Michael Kruse [99] . The latter describes handmade data layout optimizations for optimizing a 4D stencil computation taking into account the BlueGene Q features. It also presents the Molly software based on the LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) Polly optimizing compiler that automatically generates code for MPI data transfers (see Figure 1 that shows an example of code generating a decomposition of a stencil computation into 4 subdomains and how data are exchanged between subdomains).
Data layout is still a critical point that Postale will address. The DSL [69] approach allows us to consider data layout globally, providing then an opportunity to study aggressive layouts without transformation penalty. We will also seize this opportunity to investigate the data layout problem as a new dimension of the CollectiveMind [79] optimization topic.
- Algorithm transformation - automating communication avoiding algorithms.
This part is related to the Postale work on numerical algorithms. It originates from a research grant application elaborated with the former PetaQCD [50] team and the Inria Alpine project-team. One essential research direction consists of providing a set of high level optimizations that are generally out of reach from a traditional compiler approach. Among these optimizations, we consider communication-avoiding transformations and address the current open question of integrating these transformations in the polyhedral model in order to make them available in most software environments. Communication-avoiding algorithms improve parallelism and decrease communication requirements by ignoring some of dependency constraints at the frontiers of subdomains. Integrating communication-avoiding transformations is challenging first because these transformations change code semantics, which is unsual in program transformations, second because the validity of these transformations relies on numerical properties of the underlying transformed algorithms. This requires both compiler and algorithm skills since these transformations have important impact on the numerical stability and convergence of algorithms. Tools for the automatic generation of these transformed algorithms have two kinds of application. First, they accelerate the fastidious task of reprogramming for testing numerical properties. They may even be incorporated in an iterative tool for systematically evaluating these properties. Second, if these transformations are formalized we can consider generating different versions on line at run time, to adapt automatically algorithms to run time values [51] . In particular we plan to address s-steps algorithms [119] in iterative methods as these program transformations are similar to loop unrolling and ghosting (inverse of loop peeling). These are aggressive transformations and special preconditioning is needed in order to ensure convergence.
Optimizing energy:
In this topic there are two main research directions. The first one is about reversible computing based on the Landauer's conjecture that heat dissipation is produced by information erasing. The second one is on actual measurements of energy/power of program execution and on understanding which application features are the most likely to save or consume energy.
Regarding reversible computing, the Landauer's hypothesis - still in discussion among physicists - says that erasing one bit of information dissipates energy, independently from hardware. This implies that energy saving algorithms should avoid as much as possible erasing information: it should be possible to recover values of variables at any time in program execution. In a previous work we have analyzed the impact of making computing DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs) reversible [47] . We have also used reversible computing in register allocation by enabling value rematerialization also by reverse computing [48] . We are now working on characterizing algorithms by the amount of input and output data that have to be added to make algorithms reversible. We also plan to analyze mixed precision numerical algorithms [36] from this perspective.
Another research direction concerns energy and power profiling and optimizing. Understanding and monitoring precise energetic behavior of current programs is still a not easy task for the programmer or the compiler. One can measure it with wattmeters, or perform processor simulations or use hardware counters or sensors, or approximate it by the number of data that are communicated [144] . Especially on supercomputers or cloud framework it might be impossible to get this information. Besides making experiments on energy and power profiling [114] , this research axis also includes the analysis of programming features that are the key parameters for saving energy. The ultimate goal is to have a cost model that describes the program energetic behavior of programs for the programmer or compiler being able to control it. One obvious key parameter is the count of memory accesses but one can also think of regularity features such as constant strides memory access, whether the code is statically or dynamically controlled, regularity/predictability conditional branchs. We have already performed this kind of analysis in the context of value prediction techniques where we designed entropy based criteria for estimating the predictibility of the sequence of values of some variables [115] .
Research tracks for the 4 next years
Short term objectives are related to handmade or semi-automatic profiling and optimization of current scientific or image processing challenging applications. This gives a very good insight and expertise over state of the art applications and architectures. This know-how can be exploited under the form of libraries. This includes performance profiling, analysis of the energetic behavior of applications, and finding hot spots and focus optimization on these parts. This also implies to implement new numerical algorithms such as the communication-avoiding algorithms. Mid term objectives are to go forward to the automatization or semi-automatization of these techniques. Long term objectives are to understand the precise relationship between physics and computation both in programs as in reversible computing and in algorithms like in algorithmic thermodynamics [46] . The path is to define a notion of energetic complexity, which we intend to do it with the Galac team at Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique.
Generative programming for new parallel architectures
Scientific context
Design, development and maintenance of high-performance scientific code is becoming one of the main issue of scientific computing. As hardware is becoming more complex and programming tools and models are proposed to satisfy constantly evolving applications, gathering expertise in both any scientific field and parallel programming is a daunting task. The natural conclusion is then to provide software design tools such that non-experts in computer science are able to produce non-trivial yet efficient codes on modern hardware architectures at their disposal. These tools can be divided in two types:
Compilers. Compilers can be designed to either automatically derive parallel version of sequential codes or to support specific annotations to do so. Various successful examples include ISPC [122] , SPADE [152] or GCC and its support for polyhedral compilation [125] . By offloading these tasks to compilers, the performance of the resulting codes is free of any overhead and the amount of user input is minimized. However, the scope and applicability of these techniques are fragile and can be hindered by complex code flow, inadequate data types or the use of high level languages features.
Libraries. The unability of compilers to handle complex semantic is often mitigated by the design of libraries. Libraries can expose an arbitrary high level of abstraction through abstract data types and functions operating on them. User code is then expressed as a combination of function calls over instances of these data types. Different level of abstraction for parallel systems are available ranging from linear algebra [28] , [95] , image processing [56] to graph algorithms [138] . The main limitation of this approach is the lack of inter-procedural optimizations and the inherent divergence in API among vendors and targeted systems.
One emerging solution is to combine aspects of both solutions by designing systems which are able to provide abstraction and performance. One such approach is the design and development of Domain Specific Languages (or DSL) and more precisely, Domain Specific Embedded Languages (DSEL). DSLs [139] are non-general purpose, declarative language that simplify development by allowing users to express “the problem to solve” instead of “how to solve it”. Actual code generation is then left to a proper compiler, interpreter or code generator that use high-level abstraction analysis and potential knowledge about target hardware to ensure performance. SCALA – and more precisely the FORGE tool [141] – is one of the most successful attempt at applying such techniques to parallel programming. DSELs differ from regular DSLs in the fact that they exist as a subset of an existing general purpose language. Often implemented as Active Libraries [151] , they perform high-level optimizations based on a semantic analysis of the code before any real compilation process.
Activity description and recent achievements
In this research, we investigate the impact and applicability of software design methods based on DSELs to parallel programming and we study the portability and forward scalability of such programs. To do so, we investigate Generative Programming [62] applied to parallel programming.
Generative Programming is based on the hypothesis that any complex software system can be split into a list of interchangeable components (with clearly identified tasks) and a series of generators that combine components by following rules derived from an a priori domain specific analysis. In particular, we want to show that integrating the architectural support as another generative component of the set of tools leads to a better performance and an easier development on embedded or custom architecture targets (see Figure 2 ).
The application of Generative Programming allows us to build active libraries that can be easily re-targeted, optimized and deployed on a large selection of hardware systems. This is done by decoupling the abstract description of the DSEL from the description of hardware systems and the generation of hardware agnostic software components.
Current applications of this methodology include:
Boost.SIMD [70] is a C++ library for portable SIMD computations. It uses architecture aware generative programming to generate zero-overhead SIMD code on a large selection of platforms (from SSE to AVX2, Xeon Phi, PowerPC and ARM). Its interface is made so it is totally integrated into modern C++ design strategy based on the use of generic code and calls to the standard template libraries. In most cases, Boost.SIMD delivers performance on the par with hand written SIMD code or with autovectorizers.
NT [69] , [75] is a C++ library which implements a DSEL similar to Matlab while providing automatic parallelization on SIMD systems, multicores and GPGPUs. NT uses the high level of abstraction brought by the Matlab API to detect, analyze and generate efficient loop nests taking care of every level of parallel hardware available. NT eases the design of scientific computing application prototypes while delivering a significant percentage of the peak performance.
Our work uses a methodogy similar to SCALA [120] , and more specifically, the DeLITE [142] toolset. Both approach rely on extracting high level, domain specific information from user code to optimize HPC applications. If our approach tries to maximize the use of compile-time optimization, DeLITE uses a runtime approach due to its reliance on the JAVA language.
In terms of libraries, various existing Scientific Computing library in C++ are actually available. The three most used are Armadillo [137] , which shares a Matlab -like API with our work, Blaze [55] which supports a similar cost based system for optimizing code and Eigen [86] . Our main feature compared to these solutions is the fact that hardware support is built-in the library core instead of beign tacked on the existing library, thus allowing us to support a larger amount of hardware.
Research tracks for the 4 next years
At short term, research and development on Boost.SIMD and NT will explore the applicability of our code generation methodology on distributed system, accelerators and heterogeneous systems. Large system support like Blue Gene/Q and other similar super-computer setup has been started.
Another axis of research is to apply generative programing to other scientific domain and to propose other domain specific tools using efficient code generators. Such a work has been started to explore the impact of generative programming on the design of portable linear algebra algorithms with an going PhD thesis on automatic generation of linear algebra software.
A mid-term objective is to bridge the gap with the Data Analytics community in order to both extract new expertise on how to make Big Data related issues scalable on modern HPC hardware and to provide tools for Data Analytics practitioners based on this collaboration.
On a larger scope, the implication of our methodology on language design will be explored. First by proposing evolution to C++ (as for example with our SIMD proposal [71] ) so that generative programming can become a first class citizen in the language itself. Second by exploring how this methodology can be extended to other languages [85] or to other runtime systems including Cloud computing systems and JIT support. Application to other performance metric like power consumption is also planned [156] .
Systematizing and automating program optimization
Scientific context
Delivering faster, more power efficient and reliable computer systems is vital for our society to continue innovation in science and technology. However, program optimization and hardware co-design became excessively time consuming, costly and error prone due to an enormous number of available design and optimization choices, and complex interactions between all software and hardware components. Worse, multiple characteristics have to be always balanced at the same time including execution time, power consumption, code size, memory utilization, compilation time, communication costs and reliability using a growing number of incompatible tools and techniques with many ad-hoc and intuition based heuristics. As a result, nearly peak performance of the new systems is often achieved only for a few previously optimized and not necessarily representative benchmarks while leaving most of the real user applications severely underperforming. Therefore, users are often forced to resort to a tedious and often non-systematic optimization of their programs for each new architecture. This, in turn, leads to an enormous waste of time, expensive computing resources and energy, dramatically increases development costs and time-to-market for new products and slows down innovation [27] , [25] , [32] , [66] .
Activity description and recent achievements
For the european project MILEPOST (2006-2009) [26] , we, for the first time to our knowledge, attempted to address above challenges in practice with several academic and industrial partners including IBM, CAPS, ARC (now Synopsys) and the University of Edinburgh by combining automatic program optimization and tuning, machine learning and a public repository of experimental results. As a part of the project, we established a non-profit cTuning association ( that persuaded the community to voluntarily support our open source tools and repository while sharing benchmarks, data sets, tools and machine learning models even after the project. This approach, highly prised by the European Commission, Inria and the international community, helped us to substitute and automatically learn best compiler optimization heuristics by crowdsourcing auto-tuning (processing a large amount of performance statistics or "big data" collected from many users to classify application and build predictive models) [26] , [77] , [78] . However, it also exposed even more fundamental challenges including:
Lack of common, large and diverse benchmarks and data sets needed to build statistically meaningful predictive models;
Lack of common experimental methodology and unified ways to preserve, systematize and share our growing optimization knowledge and research material from the community including benchmarks, data sets, tools, tuning plugins, predictive models and optimization results;
Problem with continuously changing, “black box” and complex software and hardware stack with many hardwired and hidden optimization choices and heuristics not well suited for auto-tuning and machine learning;
Difficulty to reproduce performance results from the database submitted by the community due to a lack of full software and hardware dependencies;
Difficulty to validate related auto-tuning and machine learning techniques from existing publications due to a lack of culture of sharing research artifacts with full experiment specifications along with publications in computer engineering.
As a result, we spent a considerable amount of our “research” time on re-engineering existing tools or developing new ones to support auto-tuning and learning. At the same time, we were trying to somehow assemble large and diverse experimental sets to make our research and experimentation on machine learning and data mining statistically meaningful. We spent even more time when struggling to reproduce existing machine learning-based optimization techniques from numerous publications. Worse, when we were ready to deliver auto-tuning solutions at the end of such tedious developments, experimentation and validation, we were already receiving new versions of compilers, third-party tools, libraries, operating systems and architectures. As a consequence, our developments and results were already potentially outdated even before being released while optimization problems considerably evolved.
We believe that these are major reasons why so many promising research techniques, tools and data sets for auto-tuning and machine learning in computer engineering have a life span of a PhD project, grant funding or publication preparation, and often vanish shortly after. Furthermore, we witness diminishing attractiveness of computer engineering often seen by students as “hacking” rather than systematic science. Many recent long-term research visions acknowledge these problems for computer engineering and many research groups search for “holy grail” auto-tuning solutions but no widely adopted solution has been found yet [25] , [66] .
Research tracks for the 4 next years
In this project, we will be evaluating the first, to our knowledge, alternative, orthogonal, interdisciplinary, community-based and big-data driven approach to address above problems. We are developing a knowledge management system for computer engineering (possibly based on GPL-licensed cTuning and BSD-licensed Collective Mind) to preserve and share through the Internet the whole experimental (optimization) setups with all related artifacts and exposed meta-description in a unified way including behavior characteristics (execution time, code size, compilation time, power consumption, reliability, costs), semantic and dynamic features, design and optimization choices, and a system state together with all software and hardware dependencies besides just performance data. Such approach allows community to consider analysis, design and optimization of computer systems as a unified, formalized and big data problem while taking advantage of mature R&D methodologies from physics, biology and AI.
During this project, we will gradually structure, systematize, describe and share all research material in computer engineering including tools, benchmarks, data sets, search strategies and machine learning models. Researchers can later take advantage of shared components to collaboratively prototype, evaluate and improve various auto-tuning techniques while reusing all shared artifacts just like LEGO™pieces, and applying machine learning and data mining techniques to find meaningful relations between all shared material. It can also help crowdsource long tuning and learning process including classification and model building among many participants.
At the same time, any unexpected program behavior or model mispredictions can now be exposed to the community through unified web-services for collaborative analysis, explanation and solving. This, in turn, enables reproducibility of experimental results naturally and as a side effect rather than being enforced - interdisciplinary community needs to gradually find and add missing software and hardware dependencies to the Collective Mind (fixing processor frequency, pinning code to specific cores to avoid contentions) or improve analysis and predictive models (statistical normality tests for multiple experiments) whenever abnormal behavior is detected.
We hope that our approach will eventually help the community collaboratively evaluate and derive the most effective optimization strategies. It should also eventually help the community collaboratively learn complex behavior of all existing computer systems using top-down methodology originating from physics. At the same time, continuously collected and systematized knowledge (“big data”) should allow community make quick and scientifically motivated advice about how to design and optimize the future heterogeneous HPC systems (particularly on our way towards extreme scale computing) as conceptually shown in Figure 3 .
Similar systematization, formalization and big data analytics already revolutionized biology, machine learning, robotics, AI, and other important scientific fields in the past decade. Our approach also started revolutionizing computer engineering making it more a science rather than non-systematic hacking. It helps us effectively deal with the rising complexity of computer systems while focusing on improving classification and predictive models of computer systems' behavior, and collaboratively find missing features (possibly using new deep learning algorithms and even unsupervised learning [92] , [112] ) to improve optimization predictions, rather than constantly reinventing techniques for each new program, architecture and environment.
Our approach is strongly supported by a recent Vinton G. Cerf's vision for computer engineering [59] as well as our existing technology, repository of knowledge and experience, and a growing community [77] , [78] , [79] . Even more importantly, our approach already helped to promote reproducible research and initiate a new publication model in computer engineering supported by ACM SIGPLAN where all experimental results and related research artifacts with their meta-description and dependencies are continuously shared along with publications to be validated and improved by the community [76] .